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Mystic Chants & Bhajans Recorded During Kali Worship.  This rare collection of songs and chants recorded live at Kali Mandir’s annual  Kali pujas in Laguna Beach captures the mood of this ancient sacred ritual and reflects the soulful longing for the Divine Mother by artists from a variety of musical and spiritual disciplines.  Featuring Haradhan Chakraborti, Bhagavan Das, Premanand Trikannad, Krishna Gopinathan, Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati, Sudha Srikumar, the David Stringer Kirtan Ensemble, Sumanta Chakrabarti, and Nandu Menon.  Total playing time: 70.15 min.  Includes an insert with lyrics & translations, artist bio’s and pictures.  Kali Mandir.

Kali Puja Live

SKU: A01
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