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Visiting Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram

Darshan Information

Kali Mandir Ramakrishna Ashram is a Hindu shrine to the Divine Mother Kali located in a home on a private street in a residential neighborhood. Out of consideration for our neighbors and respect for the ashram residents, please strictly observe our visiting hours and do not loiter, make noise in our parking area or wander though the neighborhood. Kali Mandir's mission is to promote the traditional culture of Sanatana Dharma, to enable all devotees to come closer to Divine Mother Kali and to encourage spiritual values like modesty and respect. The way we dress and the way we act has an impact on ourselves as well as others around us. To help maintain the sanctity and purity of the ashram, we request that you follow our dress code, etiquette guidelines, and hours.

Visiting Hours

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday

10am – 12 noon (by appointment only)

Make a Darshan Appointment >>

6pm – 7:30pm (no appointment necessary)

Closed:  Monday through Thursday


Flu, Covid-19, and RSV are presently at high levels in Orange County.

Please do not visit Kali Mandir if you feel sick or have symptoms

such as fever, body aches, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache etc.

RSVP for In-Person Public Events

Some in-person events may require registration. 

Important when visiting Kali Mandir

  • Please visit only after making an appointment online and receiving your confirmation.

  • Please do not visit if you have any symptoms of Covid-19, Flu, Cold, or other contagious illnesses.

  • Out of consideration for our neighbors and respect for the ashram residents, please strictly observe our visiting hours and do not loiter, make noise in our parking area or wander though the neighborhood.

Dress Code

  • Please bathe before visiting the mandir and wear clean clothes.

  • Please do not wear shorts, short skirts or tank-tops (exception: small children can wear shorts).

  • Do not wear leather in the mandir.

  • Shoes are not allowed past the gate of Mother’s courtyard.


  • Do not bring meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, ganja or illegal drugs onto the property, or come while intoxicated.

  • Please turn off or silence your cell phone. If you need to make a call, please do so outside.

  • Do not pick tulsi leaves or flowers from the ashram gardens.

  • Do not point your feet towards deities or sit with your back to the altar.


  • All are welcome to bring offering for Ma such as flowers, fruit, sweets, ghee, sesame oil, perfume, incense and new jewelry or new saris. All offerings must not contain any meat, eggs, gelatin, onion or garlic. Please read ingredients very carefully. In donating milk, please note that we only use organic whole milk.

Outdoor Shrines

  • As we are in a high fire-danger area, lighting candles, oil lamps, camphor or incense is strictly forbidden.

  • All are welcome to bathe the beautiful Shiva Lingam installed in our garden with water only.

  • Do not pour milk or any other substances besides water on the Shiva Lingam.

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